Monday, April 03, 2006

April Update

Things are so busy around here, it's hard to keep the blog updated, but here are some new pictures of Bryce. Bryce continues to be doing well. He has been home for just about 11 months, and our court date in Almaty was 1 year ago on April 8th - very hard to believe. Bryce turns 2 later this month. He is very excited about cars, trains, and everything with wheels. He also is fascinated by water and likes to "help" me do laundry. He also likes to "help" out in the kitchen and brings a chair over to watch whenever someone is cooking. Since the weather is getting nice, we are able to go outside more, and Bryce loves to explore the neighborhood, especially when he walks around the block with Toni.

As you can see from the picture, we are doing some home improvements. This includes tearing down a very old deck and replacing it with a new one. Chuck is doing most of the work, but Bryce was very excited about the power tools Dad was using and all the noise they made.

Bryce continues to be quite mellow and has quite a sense of humor. He likes to put shoes on his hands and bowls on his head to get a laugh! Hope that continues as he heads for age 2.


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